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hotel 목록

Input Option & Other Requests

옵션 및 기타 요청사항 입력양식
Options Other requests

Guest information

고객정보 입력양식
Mobile Phone
Expected Arrival Time

Payment Information

결제정보 입력양식
Credit Card
Credit Card Valid Thru
* We don't use your card no which you input exception the guarantee of reservation.

Amount of payment

결제금액 입력양식
Total Amount

Cancellation and Refundment

In case of cancellation less than 72 hours prior to arrival or in case of No Show, the first night amount will be charged on your credit card.
12-24, and 12-31 are non-refundable and non-changeable.
The room charges for these nights will be charged to your credit card upon confirmation of your booking.

Access terms

Privacy Statement
At THE CLASSIC500 are dedicated to protecting your privacy and safeguarding your personally indentifiable information. THE CLASSIC500 is committed to respecting your privacy and adhering to the principles of applicable data protection and privacy and laws throughout the world.
1. private information items and method of collection
① private information items
Name, Phone Number, E-mail
② Method of information collection Upon using the services
Upon using the services
2. Purposes of collection and use of private information
① THE CLASSIC500 collection necessary minimum-level prvate information for the following items in order to provide effective services:
Purposes of collection Item(s)
Name, Phone Number, E-mail
Effective communication for notices and resolution of dissatisfaction issues.
providing services such as processing a transaction (e.g., fulfilling a request for information, or completing a product order)
Possession and usage period Until fulfilling a request for information
② Sensitive private information(includiung race and ethnicity, ideology and faith, hometown and place of birth, political, disposition, criminal records, health information and sex life) which could infringe on the basic rights of guests is not collected.
3. Provision and sharing of private information
① THE CLASSIC500 will not, at any time, use the private information outside the boundaries of the "Purposes of Collection and Use of Private Information" or provide such information to a third party or business/institution.
② THE CLASSIC500 does not provide the private information, However, exceptions apply in the following cases: Provision of such information as required by related laws and regulations or upon the demand of an investigative authority for investigative purposes and according to procedures and methods determined by law
4. Consignment of collected private information
We may outsource the processing of certain function and/or information to third parties. we may also engage market research firms to assist us in contacting guests for the purpose of market research and quality assurance. When we do outsource the processing of your personal information to third parties to protect your personal information with appropriate security measures and prohibit them from using your personal information for their own purpose or from disclosing your pesonal information to others.
5. Handling and retention period of personal information.
THE CLASSIC500 destroys customers' personal information without delay. when the purpose of collecting personal information or provided purpose is chieved. specific time of destroy is as follows.
Destruction procedure
After collecting and achieving the purpose of use, personal information is to be destroyed after storage for a specific period according to the internal policy and the information protection grounds by the relative laws and regulations.
Destruction procedure
Personal information the has been printed out on paper is destroyed by a sherdder or an incinerator, and personal information that is stored as electronic file is deleted by using the technical method that the information can not be regenerated.
6. Cookie
A cookie is a very small text file that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. it assigns the computer with a unique identifier, which in turn, becomes your identification card whenver you return to THE CLASSIC500 web site.
THE CLASSIC500 does not use cookies the remmeber user's information and find them frequently.
Cookies also enable us to customize our web site and offerings to your needs and provide you with a better online experience on theclassic500.com
7. Manager of Personal Information Protection.
THE CLASSIC500 appoints manager and staff in charge of personal information protextion as follow in order to protect personal information and treat complaints with regard to personal information.
Name : Sung Hee Han
Dept. : Marketing
Position : Director
E-mail : dio804@theclassic500.com
Address : Jayang-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea 227-342
Tel. : (82)2-2218-5513
Fax. : (82)2-2218-5524
8. Technical/institution management of private information
① THECLASSIC500 seeks the following technical measures to prevent loss, theft, leakage, altertation or damage and ensure safety of private information of Members
② THECLASSIC500 limits the number of staff authorized to handle private information, conducts training to emphasize the adherence of its principle, and immediately corrects any problems that may arise in this regard.
The personal information we collect from you online is stored by us and/or our service providers on databases protected through a combination of physical and electronic access controls. Nevertheless, such security measures cannot prevent all loss, misues or alternation of personal information and we are not responsible for any damages or liabilities relating to any such incidents to the fulless extent permitted by law.
9. Protection of private information of users under the age of 14
THECLASSIC500, in principle, does not collect private information of users under the age of 14. Provided, however, if the collection of such information is deemed necessary, THECLASSIC500 will adhere to the related laws and notices.
10. Transmission of advertisement information
THECLASSIC500 will not transmit for-profit advertisement information.
We will not send out any mailings unless it has been agreed upon by the member.
11. Security
Encryption of personal Information
Customer's personal information is kept and managed after encryption. Besides, we use the pecial security function such as using encryption of important data for storage and transmission.
Technical Measures against Hackin and etc
THECLASSIC500 installs security program to prevent the leakage and damage due to hacking or computer viruses, performs periodic renewal and check, equips the system at the area where access from outside is restricted, and technically / physically watches and blocks it.
12. Notification duty
The contents of this policy are subject to change at anytime. In the event that the policy is changed in any way, notification will be made to the member at least 7 days prior to any changes taking place via a notice to be posted o theclassic500 website.

The cancellation and refund requirements, the purpose of personal information collection and use, the items and methods of collection, and the period of use of personal information, and the revocation policy. I agree with all.

Reservation Inquiry 02-2218-5000
Hotel Summary
더 클래식 500 이그제큐티브 레지던스 펜타즈